dataframe with one row for each rendition of each show in the Fugazi Live Series data and each type of units (tracks and minutes)
- gid
gig id. This is a concatenation of city, country, and date
- url
url to the corresponding page of the Fugazi Live Series site.
- fls_link
a link to the corresponding page of the Fugazi Live Series site.
- year
The year of the show,
- tour
The tour that the show belongs to.
- date
The date of the show.
- units
The units can be either tracks or minutes. The remaining columns on any given row will be in these units
- songs
songs that were performed at least twice
- released
songs that had been released before the date of the show
- unreleased
songs that had not been released before the date of the show
- debut
songs that were performed for the first time at this show
- farewell
songs that were performed for the last time at this show
- incumbent
songs that were neither performed for the first time or the last at this show
- other
tracks that are something else, for instance: intro, opening remarks, interlude, encore, outro, interruptions, and one-offs.
- ...
The remaining columns correspond to specific releases in the band's catalogue.
#> # A tibble: 1,800 × 25
#> gid url fls_link year tour date units songs released unreleased
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <date> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 washin… http… <a href… 1987 1987… 1987-09-03 minu… 31.0 0 31.0
#> 2 washin… http… <a href… 1987 1987… 1987-09-26 minu… 30.0 0 30.0
#> 3 richmo… http… <a href… 1987 1987… 1987-10-07 minu… 37.0 0 37.0
#> 4 washin… http… <a href… 1987 1987… 1987-10-16 minu… 31.8 0 31.8
#> 5 freder… http… <a href… 1987 1987… 1987-11-25 minu… 34.9 0 34.9
#> 6 washin… http… <a href… 1987 1987… 1987-12-03 minu… 45.7 0 45.7
#> 7 norwal… http… <a href… 1987 1987… 1987-12-05 minu… 33.7 -5.55 39.2
#> 8 washin… http… <a href… 1987 1987… 1987-12-28 minu… 52.8 0 52.8
#> 9 flint-… http… <a href… 1988 1988… 1988-01-21 minu… 44.6 0 44.6
#> 10 ypsila… http… <a href… 1988 1988… 1988-01-22 minu… 40.5 0 40.5
#> # ℹ 1,790 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: other <dbl>, debut <dbl>, farewell <dbl>,
#> # incumbent <dbl>, fugazi <dbl>, margin_walker <dbl>, three_songs <dbl>,
#> # repeater <dbl>, steady_diet_of_nothing <dbl>, in_on_the_killtaker <dbl>,
#> # red_medicine <dbl>, end_hits <dbl>, the_argument <dbl>, furniture <dbl>,
#> # first_demo <dbl>