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The Repeatr package contains Fugazi Live Series metadata and some functions for using this data.

The package documentation contains details of the main dataframes, and the other vignettes include some examples of what can be done with the data.

The main analysis process is split across 5 functions:

  • Repeatr_1 imports raw data in CSV format (1 row per show), cleans the data, and reshapes it long so that the rows are identified by combinations of gid and song_number.

  • Repeatr_2 takes a dataframe with one row per show-song and reshapes it long again so that the rows are identified by combinations of gid, song_number, and songid.

  • Repeatr_3 takes a dataframe with gid, song_number, and songid, and modifies it to make it suitable for choice modelling.

  • Repeatr_4 prepares data for choice modelling with mlogit, and estimates a basic choice model with mlogit.

  • Repeatr_5 produces results using a coefficient table for a choice model estimated with mlogit.

Most of the useful data files are produced with Repeatr_1. The other 4 functions are used to calculate ratings for the songs based on the choices of songs in the Fugazi Live Series data.

Fugazetteer provides several interactive visualisations of the Fugazi Live Series data processed using the code in this package, and also lists of shows which link back to the main Fugazi Live Series site.