Transitions Data
dataframe with one row for each combination of show, first song and second song in the Fugazi Live Series data.
- gid
gig id. This is a concatenation of city, country, and date
- url
url to the corresponding page of the Fugazi Live Series site.
- fls_link
provides a link to the corresponding page of the Fugazi Live Series site
- date
date of the show
- transition
Number of the transition in the show
- song1
Name of the first song
- song2
Name of the second song
#> # A tibble: 12,052 × 7
#> gid url fls_link date transition song1 song2
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 2 turn… bren…
#> 2 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 3 bren… merc…
#> 3 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 4 merc… siev…
#> 4 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 5 siev… and …
#> 5 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 8 bull… burn…
#> 6 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 13 recl… blue…
#> 7 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 14 blue… shut…
#> 8 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 15 shut… two …
#> 9 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 16 two … repr…
#> 10 aalst-belgium-92390 https://www.discho… <a href… 1990… 21 runa… repe…
#> # ℹ 12,042 more rows