Tours data
dataframe with one row for each tour in the Fugazi Live Series data.
- tour
Name of the tour
- start
Start date
- end
End date
- shows
Number of shows
- duration
Duration of the tour in days
- attendance
Total attendance of all the shows
- meanattendance
Average attendance per show
- startyear
Year in which the tour started
- endyear
Year in which the tour ended
#> # A tibble: 76 × 9
#> tour start end shows duration attendance meanattendance
#> <chr> <date> <date> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 1990 Fall Eur… 1990-09-01 1990-11-07 60 67 43409 723
#> 2 1995 Spring/S… 1995-05-04 1995-07-14 59 71 70894 1201
#> 3 1992 Spring E… 1992-05-01 1992-07-11 56 71 55412 989
#> 4 1995 Fall USA… 1995-09-16 1995-11-20 50 65 68903 1378
#> 5 1993 Spring U… 1993-04-02 1993-05-31 48 59 74550 1553
#> 6 1990 Spring/S… 1990-05-02 1990-06-30 43 59 24080 560
#> 7 1988 Fall Eur… 1988-10-14 1988-12-16 39 63 5277 135
#> 8 1993 Fall USA… 1993-08-16 1993-09-29 39 44 58075 1489
#> 9 1991 Spring U… 1991-05-01 1991-06-14 38 44 27273 717
#> 10 1989 Spring U… 1989-04-05 1989-06-16 35 72 11128 317
#> # ℹ 66 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: startyear <dbl>, endyear <dbl>