dataframe with one row for each song in the Fugazi discography, except those which never appear in the Fugazi Live Series data.
- rank_rating
The rank of the song in terms of the rating derived from the choice modelling, with the highest-rated song in the first position.
- songid
numeric id for each song
- song
The name of the song
- launchdate
The date on which the song was first performed according to the data
- duration_seconds
The duration of the song in seconds
- chosen
The number of times the song was performed according to the data
- available_rl
The number of shows for which the song was available in the band's repertoire
- intensity
The performance intensity is the ratio of chosen/available_rl
- rating
Rating on the interval between 0 and 1 where 1 is the highest rating and 0 the lowest.
- releaseid
numeric id in ascending chronological order
- release
release name
- track_number
The track number for the song on the release
- instrumental
Indicates whether or not the piece is an instrumental
- vocals_picciotto
indicates whether or not Guy Picciotto sang lead vocals on this track
- vocals_mackaye
indicates whether or not Ian Mackaye sang lead vocals on this track
- vocals_lally
indicates whether or not Joe Lally sang lead vocals on this track
- releasedate
The date of the corresponding release
- lead
The number of days between the launch date and the release date
- launchyear
The year in which the song was first performed
- releaseyear
The year in which the song was released
#> # A tibble: 94 × 16
#> rank songid track_number song launchdate duration chosen available_rl
#> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <date> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 8 92 1 waiting ro… 1987-09-03 173 632 899
#> 2 55 13 2 bulldog fr… 1988-06-15 173 225 875
#> 3 48 6 3 bad mouth 1987-10-16 155 279 896
#> 4 64 14 4 burning 1988-02-06 159 214 889
#> 5 37 37 5 give me th… 1988-03-30 178 368 886
#> 6 44 83 6 suggestion 1987-12-03 284 339 894
#> 7 80 38 7 glueman 1988-05-12 263 133 883
#> 8 18 54 1 margin wal… 1988-08-01 150 429 871
#> 9 31 2 2 and the sa… 1987-09-26 207 375 898
#> 10 60 15 3 burning too 1988-08-01 170 214 871
#> # ℹ 84 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: intensity <dbl>, rating <dbl>, releaseid <int>,
#> # release <chr>, releasedate <date>, lead <int>, launchyear <dbl>,
#> # releaseyear <dbl>