Song tempo BPM data
dataframe with one row for each song in the Fugazi discography, except those which never appear in the Fugazi Live Series data.
- song
The name of the song
- tempo_bpm
The tempo of the song in beats per minute
Tempos of selected songs from measured with 'liveBPM' app for Android and also finger tapping with a timer.
#> # A tibble: 94 × 2
#> song tempo_bpm
#> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 23 beats off 110
#> 2 and the same 148.
#> 3 argument 102
#> 4 arpeggiator 179
#> 5 back to base 194
#> 6 bad mouth 95.5
#> 7 bed for the scraping 93.5
#> 8 birthday pony 102.
#> 9 blueprint 102
#> 10 break 132
#> # ℹ 84 more rows