Shows Data
dataframe with one row for each show in the Fugazi Live Series data.
- gid
Unique identifier for the show
- tour
The tour that the show belongs to.
- year
The year of the show,
- date
The date of the show.
- venue
the venue,
- city
the city.
- country
The country.
- attendance
The number of people who attended.
- door_price
The ticket price.
- door_price
The ticket price.
- latitude
The latitude of the show location.
- longitude
The longitude of the show location.
- urls
A string used to form the URLs of the corresponding page on the Fugazi Live series site.
- fls_link
a link to the corresponding page of the Fugazi Live Series site.
- minutes
duration of the show in minutes if a recording is available
- sound_quality
Sound quality rating: Excellent, Very Good, Good, or Poor.
#> # A tibble: 1,048 × 15
#> gid tour year date venue city country attendance door_price
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 aalst-belgi… 1990… 1990 1990-09-23 Netw… Aalst Belgium 600 ""
#> 2 aberdeen-sc… 1999… 1999 1999-05-04 Lemo… Aber… Scotla… 550 "6(pounds…
#> 3 adelaide-au… 1993… 1993 1993-11-11 Dom … Adel… Austra… 550 "15"
#> 4 adelaide-au… 1996… 1996 1996-11-12 Adel… Adel… Austra… 913 ""
#> 5 adelaide-sa… 1991… 1991 1991-10-22 Le R… Adel… Austra… 450 ""
#> 6 akron-oh-us… 1990… 1990 1990-06-28 Jack… Akron USA 700 "5"
#> 7 albany-ny-u… 1993… 1993 1993-09-20 S.U.… Alba… USA 1000 "5"
#> 8 albuquerque… 1995… 1995 1995-11-13 Five… Albu… USA 895 "5"
#> 9 albuquerque… 2001… 2001 2001-04-08 Suns… Albu… USA 1100 "6"
#> 10 albuquerque… 1991… 1991 1991-09-11 Suns… Albu… USA 800 "5"
#> # ℹ 1,038 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: latitude <dbl>, longitude <dbl>, urls <chr>,
#> # fls_link <chr>, minutes <dbl>, sound_quality <chr>