A simple function to scrape data from the Fugazi Live Series website using rvest.

  mygiddata = NULL,
  mylimit = 3,
  sleepseconds = 1,
  mycsvfilename = "gid_fls_id_sound_quality.csv",
  my_data_html_element = "dd strong"



Name of data frame containing list of gids to be scraped (optional). If this is not specified gids from othervariables will be used (1048 of them).


The number of shows from which to scrape sound quality rating. Set to a low number for testing.


seconds to wait before getting info from the next page.


filename for the CSV file to which the results will be written.


html element that contains the data to be scraped


scraped_data_1 <- scrape_fls_data(mygiddata = NULL, mylimit = 3, sleepseconds = 1, mycsvfilename = "gid_fls_id_sound_quality.csv", my_data_html_element = "dd strong")
#> [1] "Scraping https://www.dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/aalst-belgium-92390"
#> [1] "Scraping https://www.dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/aberdeen-scotland-50499"
#> [1] "Scraping https://www.dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/adelaide-australia-111193"
scraped_data_2 <- scrape_fls_data(mygiddata = NULL, mylimit = 3, sleepseconds = 1, mycsvfilename = "gid_fls_id_played_with.csv", my_data_html_element = "dd:nth-child(10)")
#> [1] "Scraping https://www.dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/aalst-belgium-92390"
#> [1] "Scraping https://www.dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/aberdeen-scotland-50499"
#> [1] "Scraping https://www.dischord.com/fugazi_live_series/adelaide-australia-111193"
mydf <- system.file("extdata", "gid_played_with_8.csv", package = "Repeatr")
scraped_data_3 <- scrape_fls_data(mygiddata = mydf, mylimit = 3, sleepseconds = 1, mycsvfilename = "gid_fls_id_played_with_8.csv", my_data_html_element = "dd:nth-child(8)")
#> Error in UseMethod("select"): no applicable method for 'select' applied to an object of class "character"
mydf <- system.file("extdata", "gid_played_with_6.csv", package = "Repeatr")
scraped_data_4 <- scrape_fls_data(mygiddata = mydf, mylimit = 3, sleepseconds = 1, mycsvfilename = "gid_fls_id_played_with_6.csv", my_data_html_element = "dd:nth-child(6)")
#> Error in UseMethod("select"): no applicable method for 'select' applied to an object of class "character"