This data was scraped from the Fugazi Live Series website by Carni Klirs for his project "Visualizing the History of Fugazi".
dataframe with one row for each show.
- year
year of the show
- V1
show id
- V2
Fugazi Live Series id
- V3
Show date
- V4
- V5
Door price
- V6
- V7
Recorded by
- V8
Mastered by
- V9
Original source
- V10-V50
# What is the total number of people that Fugazi performed for in the shows that are available in the Fugazi Live Series data?
test <- rawdata
test <- test %>% mutate(attendancedata = nchar(V6))
test <- test %>% filter(attendancedata>0)
test <- test %>% mutate(attendance = as.numeric(V6))
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
#> ℹ In argument: `attendance = as.numeric(V6)`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! NAs introduced by coercion
test <- test %>% filter(
totalpeople <- sum(test$attendance)
#> [1] 885250