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The index numbers are based on the model coefficient table that comes straight out of the model, with no sorting.

The function will return a dataframe with the results for each pair of coeeficients tested.


rankr(coeftable = NULL, vcovmat = NULL, mysongidlist = NULL)



coefficients table from mlogit, with one row per coefficient


variance covariance matrix from mlogit, with one row and one column per coefficient


a dataframe containing the list of song ids to be tested. It can contain other variables but only songid will be used.




songstobecompared <- summary %>% slice(seq(from=1, to=92, by=10))
mycomparisons <- rankr(coeftable = results_ml_Repeatr4, vcovmat = vcovmat_ml_Repeatr4, mysongidlist = songstobecompared)
#> First coefficient: 3.15285955038943 
#> Second coefficient: 0.555120665803103 
#> Difference to be tested: 2.59773888458633 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.528235277021886 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0124891074988492 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.0016387992505919 
#> Z-statistic: 3.54346184000307 
#> P-statistic: 1.99960508954257 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.16084794468424 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 4.03462982448841 
#> First coefficient: 0.555120665803103 
#> Second coefficient: 3.01364584438071 
#> Difference to be tested: -2.45852517857761 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0124891074988492 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0046794363459201 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00169180892121045 
#> Z-statistic: -20.9397957326797 
#> P-statistic: 2.32453677314718e-97 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -2.68864725863648 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -2.22840309851874 
#> First coefficient: 3.01364584438071 
#> Second coefficient: 1.57142606368516 
#> Difference to be tested: 1.44221978069556 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0046794363459201 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0494846260902958 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00406706571721051 
#> Z-statistic: 6.72219777632961 
#> P-statistic: 1.9999999999821 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.02170987244547 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.86272968894564 
#> First coefficient: 1.57142606368516 
#> Second coefficient: 1.78113997761282 
#> Difference to be tested: -0.209713913927663 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0494846260902958 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0444326554597425 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.0206092237692128 
#> Z-statistic: -0.913538263500862 
#> P-statistic: 0.360959518980729 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -0.659655955460804 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 0.240228127605479 
#> First coefficient: 1.78113997761282 
#> Second coefficient: 3.43844353752172 
#> Difference to be tested: -1.6573035599089 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0444326554597425 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.00569784656156396 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00404870824434851 
#> Z-statistic: -8.08363000894842 
#> P-statistic: 6.28668689849565e-16 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -2.05914221083993 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -1.25546490897787 
#> First coefficient: 3.43844353752172 
#> Second coefficient: 2.20118808768675 
#> Difference to be tested: 1.23725544983497 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.00569784656156396 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.00389868718892827 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.0017020834387324 
#> Z-statistic: 15.7228414911654 
#> P-statistic: 2 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.08301992675607 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.39149097291387 
#> First coefficient: 2.20118808768675 
#> Second coefficient: 2.53503356536439 
#> Difference to be tested: -0.333845477677635 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.00389868718892827 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0107625693703899 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00171381562879152 
#> Z-statistic: -3.14981850887597 
#> P-statistic: 0.00163371918183443 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -0.54158352175995 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -0.126107433595321 
#> First coefficient: 2.53503356536439 
#> Second coefficient: 2.66480595212762 
#> Difference to be tested: -0.129772386763238 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0107625693703899 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.057980060154878 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00797617930683449 
#> Z-statistic: -0.564813861944394 
#> P-statistic: 0.572200377454558 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -0.580104602726074 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 0.320559829199598 
#> First coefficient: 2.66480595212762 
#> Second coefficient: -1.0811282484424 
#> Difference to be tested: 3.74593420057003 
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.057980060154878 
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0804502488495918 
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.0163387855450476 
#> Z-statistic: 11.5189882292715 
#> P-statistic: 2 
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 3.10854913801219 
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 4.38331926312787 
#> Joining with `by = join_by(songid1)`
#> Joining with `by = join_by(songid2)`
#>                 song1               song2   mycoef1    mycoef2 mycoefdiff
#> 1        waiting room         provisional 3.1528596  0.5551207  2.5977389
#> 2         provisional           blueprint 0.5551207  3.0136458 -2.4585252
#> 3           blueprint              stacks 3.0136458  1.5714261  1.4422198
#> 4              stacks returning the screw 1.5714261  1.7811400 -0.2097139
#> 5 returning the screw      do you like me 1.7811400  3.4384435 -1.6573036
#> 6      do you like me        back to base 3.4384435  2.2011881  1.2372554
#> 7        back to base        floating boy 2.2011881  2.5350336 -0.3338455
#> 8        floating boy            the kill 2.5350336  2.6648060 -0.1297724
#> 9            the kill  turn off your guns 2.6648060 -1.0811282  3.7459342
#>           myz          myp  lower95ci  upper95ci
#> 1   3.5434618 1.999605e+00  1.1608479  4.0346298
#> 2 -20.9397957 2.324537e-97 -2.6886473 -2.2284031
#> 3   6.7221978 2.000000e+00  1.0217099  1.8627297
#> 4  -0.9135383 3.609595e-01 -0.6596560  0.2402281
#> 5  -8.0836300 6.286687e-16 -2.0591422 -1.2554649
#> 6  15.7228415 2.000000e+00  1.0830199  1.3914910
#> 7  -3.1498185 1.633719e-03 -0.5415835 -0.1261074
#> 8  -0.5648139 5.722004e-01 -0.5801046  0.3205598
#> 9  11.5189882 2.000000e+00  3.1085491  4.3833193