Undertakes paired comparisons for ranking a set of coefficients, considering whether the differences between the coefficients are significant or not.
The index numbers are based on the model coefficient table that comes straight out of the model, with no sorting.
The function will return a dataframe with the results for each pair of coeeficients tested.
songstobecompared <- summary %>% slice(seq(from=1, to=92, by=10))
mycomparisons <- rankr(coeftable = results_ml_Repeatr4, vcovmat = vcovmat_ml_Repeatr4, mysongidlist = songstobecompared)
#> First coefficient: 3.15285955038943
#> Second coefficient: 0.555120665803103
#> Difference to be tested: 2.59773888458633
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.528235277021886
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0124891074988492
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.0016387992505919
#> Z-statistic: 3.54346184000307
#> P-statistic: 1.99960508954257
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.16084794468424
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 4.03462982448841
#> First coefficient: 0.555120665803103
#> Second coefficient: 3.01364584438071
#> Difference to be tested: -2.45852517857761
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0124891074988492
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0046794363459201
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00169180892121045
#> Z-statistic: -20.9397957326797
#> P-statistic: 2.32453677314718e-97
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -2.68864725863648
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -2.22840309851874
#> First coefficient: 3.01364584438071
#> Second coefficient: 1.57142606368516
#> Difference to be tested: 1.44221978069556
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0046794363459201
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0494846260902958
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00406706571721051
#> Z-statistic: 6.72219777632961
#> P-statistic: 1.9999999999821
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.02170987244547
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.86272968894564
#> First coefficient: 1.57142606368516
#> Second coefficient: 1.78113997761282
#> Difference to be tested: -0.209713913927663
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0494846260902958
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0444326554597425
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.0206092237692128
#> Z-statistic: -0.913538263500862
#> P-statistic: 0.360959518980729
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -0.659655955460804
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 0.240228127605479
#> First coefficient: 1.78113997761282
#> Second coefficient: 3.43844353752172
#> Difference to be tested: -1.6573035599089
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0444326554597425
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.00569784656156396
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00404870824434851
#> Z-statistic: -8.08363000894842
#> P-statistic: 6.28668689849565e-16
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -2.05914221083993
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -1.25546490897787
#> First coefficient: 3.43844353752172
#> Second coefficient: 2.20118808768675
#> Difference to be tested: 1.23725544983497
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.00569784656156396
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.00389868718892827
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.0017020834387324
#> Z-statistic: 15.7228414911654
#> P-statistic: 2
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.08301992675607
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 1.39149097291387
#> First coefficient: 2.20118808768675
#> Second coefficient: 2.53503356536439
#> Difference to be tested: -0.333845477677635
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.00389868718892827
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0107625693703899
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00171381562879152
#> Z-statistic: -3.14981850887597
#> P-statistic: 0.00163371918183443
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -0.54158352175995
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -0.126107433595321
#> First coefficient: 2.53503356536439
#> Second coefficient: 2.66480595212762
#> Difference to be tested: -0.129772386763238
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.0107625693703899
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.057980060154878
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.00797617930683449
#> Z-statistic: -0.564813861944394
#> P-statistic: 0.572200377454558
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: -0.580104602726074
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 0.320559829199598
#> First coefficient: 2.66480595212762
#> Second coefficient: -1.0811282484424
#> Difference to be tested: 3.74593420057003
#> Variance of the first coefficient: 0.057980060154878
#> Variance of the second coefficient: 0.0804502488495918
#> Covariance of the two coefficients: 0.0163387855450476
#> Z-statistic: 11.5189882292715
#> P-statistic: 2
#> Lower boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 3.10854913801219
#> Upper boundary of 95% confidence interval of the difference between the two coefficients: 4.38331926312787
#> Joining with `by = join_by(songid1)`
#> Joining with `by = join_by(songid2)`
#> song1 song2 mycoef1 mycoef2 mycoefdiff
#> 1 waiting room provisional 3.1528596 0.5551207 2.5977389
#> 2 provisional blueprint 0.5551207 3.0136458 -2.4585252
#> 3 blueprint stacks 3.0136458 1.5714261 1.4422198
#> 4 stacks returning the screw 1.5714261 1.7811400 -0.2097139
#> 5 returning the screw do you like me 1.7811400 3.4384435 -1.6573036
#> 6 do you like me back to base 3.4384435 2.2011881 1.2372554
#> 7 back to base floating boy 2.2011881 2.5350336 -0.3338455
#> 8 floating boy the kill 2.5350336 2.6648060 -0.1297724
#> 9 the kill turn off your guns 2.6648060 -1.0811282 3.7459342
#> myz myp lower95ci upper95ci
#> 1 3.5434618 1.999605e+00 1.1608479 4.0346298
#> 2 -20.9397957 2.324537e-97 -2.6886473 -2.2284031
#> 3 6.7221978 2.000000e+00 1.0217099 1.8627297
#> 4 -0.9135383 3.609595e-01 -0.6596560 0.2402281
#> 5 -8.0836300 6.286687e-16 -2.0591422 -1.2554649
#> 6 15.7228415 2.000000e+00 1.0830199 1.3914910
#> 7 -3.1498185 1.633719e-03 -0.5415835 -0.1261074
#> 8 -0.5648139 5.722004e-01 -0.5801046 0.3205598
#> 9 11.5189882 2.000000e+00 3.1085491 4.3833193