some of this data was scraped from the Fugazi Live Series website by Carni Klirs for his project "Visualizing the History of Fugazi". The original data on coordinates, cities and tours data came from The D-I-Y Data of Fugazi by Matthew Conlen. Rows with checked==1 were updated by Alex Mitrani, in particular making sure that the coordinates indicated the actual locations of the venues for city-level mapping.
dataframe with one row for each show.
- gid
show id
- flsid
Fugazi Live Series id
- venue
- doorprice
Door price
- attendance
- recorded_by
Recorded by
- mastered_by
Mastered by
- original_source
Original source
- x
- y
- city
- country
- tour
- year
- checked
checked==1 indicates that the data was checked and updated by Alex Mitrani, in particular making sure that the coordinates indicate as closely as possible the actual locations of the venues.
#> # A tibble: 1,048 × 16
#> gid flsid date venue doorprice attendance recorded_by mastered_by
#> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 aalst-be… FLS0… 1990-09-23 Netw… "" 600 Joey Picuri Warren Rus…
#> 2 aberdeen… FLS0… 1999-05-04 Lemo… "6(pound… 550 Joey Picuri Jerry Bush…
#> 3 adelaide… FLS0… 1993-11-11 Dom … "15" 550 Joey Picuri Warren Rus…
#> 4 adelaide… FLS0… 1996-11-12 Adel… "" 913. Nick Pelli… Jerry Bush…
#> 5 adelaide… FLS0… 1991-10-22 Le R… "" 450 Joey Picuri Warren Rus…
#> 6 akron-oh… FLS0… 1990-06-28 Jack… "5" 700 Joey Picuri Warren Rus…
#> 7 albany-n… FLS0… 1993-09-20 S.U.… "5" 1000 Joey Picuri Warren Rus…
#> 8 albuquer… FLS0… 1995-11-13 Five… "5" 895 Joey Picuri Warren Rus…
#> 9 albuquer… FLS0… 2001-04-08 Suns… "6" 1100 Nick Pelli… Warren Rus…
#> 10 albuquer… FLS0… 1991-09-11 Suns… "5" 800 Joey Picuri Warren Rus…
#> # ℹ 1,038 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: original_source <chr>, x <dbl>, y <dbl>, city <chr>,
#> # country <chr>, tour <chr>, year <dbl>, checked <dbl>