Fugazi song performance intensity data
Fugazi song performance intensity data
dataframe with one row for each song in the Fugazi discography, except those which never appear in the Fugazi Live Series data.
- songid
numeric id for each song
- song
The name of the song
- launchdate
The date on which the song was first performed according to the data
- chosen
The number of times the song was performed according to the data
- available_rl
The number of shows for which the song was available in the band's repertoire
- intensity
The performance intensity is the ratio of chosen/available_rl
#> # A tibble: 94 × 6
#> songid song launchdate chosen available_rl intensity
#> <dbl> <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 17 cashout 2000-09-30 62 66 0.939
#> 2 20 closed captioned 1997-06-18 159 199 0.799
#> 3 7 bed for the scraping 1994-11-20 299 377 0.793
#> 4 59 number 5 1998-11-21 110 145 0.759
#> 5 10 break 1996-08-15 172 229 0.751
#> 6 69 reclamation 1990-05-05 594 795 0.747
#> 7 4 arpeggiator 1997-05-02 154 208 0.740
#> 8 23 do you like me 1994-11-20 272 377 0.721
#> 9 9 blueprint 1989-11-25 584 826 0.707
#> 10 92 waiting room 1987-09-03 633 900 0.703
#> # ℹ 84 more rows