Tags data, one record per show
dataframe with one row for each show in the Fugazi Live Series data, including data from the audio file tags.
- date
- venue
- city
- state
state for USA shows
- country
- album
album name, which includes the date, venue, city, state, and country
- gid
show id
- duration
duration in period format (lubridate)
- seconds
duration in seconds
#> # A tibble: 899 × 9
#> date venue city state country album gid duration seconds
#> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <Period> <dbl>
#> 1 1987-09-03 Wilson Center Wash… DC USA 1987… wash… 31M 58S 1918
#> 2 1987-09-26 St. Stephen's Ch… Wash… DC USA 1987… wash… 36M 38S 2198
#> 3 1987-10-07 New Horizons Rich… VA USA 1987… rich… 46M 6S 2766
#> 4 1987-10-16 dc space Wash… DC USA 1987… wash… 37M 9S 2229
#> 5 1987-11-25 Weinberg Center Fred… MD USA 1987… fred… 43M 29S 2609
#> 6 1987-12-03 Wilson Center Wash… DC USA 1987… wash… 54M 22S 3262
#> 7 1987-12-05 Anthrax Norw… CT USA 1987… norw… 46M 26S 2786
#> 8 1987-12-28 dc space Wash… DC USA 1987… wash… 55M 43S 3343
#> 9 1988-01-21 Fallout Shelter Capi… MI USA 1988… flin… 52M 22S 3142
#> 10 1988-01-22 Eastern Michigan… Ypsi… MI USA 1988… ypsi… 50M 57S 3057
#> # ℹ 889 more rows