Tags data
dataframe with one row for each track in the Fugazi Live Series data, including data from the audio file tags.
- track
track number
- album
album name, which includes the date, venue, city, state, and country
- song
track name
- duration
duration in period format (lubridate)
- seconds
duration in seconds
- minutes
duration in decimal minutes
- date
- venue
- city
- state
state for USA shows
- country
- gid
show id
#> # A tibble: 23,258 × 11
#> # Rowwise:
#> track album song duration seconds date venue city state country gid
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <Period> <dbl> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 01 1987… joe … 1M 22S 82 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 2 02 1987… intro 56S 56 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 3 03 1987… song… 2M 46S 166 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 4 04 1987… furn… 6M 32S 392 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 5 05 1987… merc… 3M 10S 190 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 6 06 1987… turn… 4M 56S 296 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 7 07 1987… in d… 3M 25S 205 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 8 08 1987… wait… 3M 52S 232 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 9 09 1987… the … 4M 59S 299 1987-09-03 Wils… Wash… DC USA wash…
#> 10 01 1987… intro 2M 37S 157 1987-09-26 St. … Wash… DC USA wash…
#> # ℹ 23,248 more rows