Summary data on the song durations in the Fugazi Live Series.
dataframe with one row for each song in the Fugazi discography, except those which never appear in the Fugazi Live Series data.
- song
Name of the song
- renditions
The number of times the song was played live according to the available recordings.
- minutes_min
The minimum duration. In many cases this will be as short as it is because the recording was cut off, not because the band played the song really fast.
- minutes_median
The median duration: if all the renditions were lined up in order from shortest to longest this would be the middle one.
- minutes_max
The maximum duration.
- minutes_mean
The average duration.
- minutes_sd
The standard deviation of the duration - this is a measure of spread, it indicates how much variation there is across all of the renditions.
- minutes_total
The total duration of all the times the song was played.
#> # A tibble: 94 × 8
#> song renditions minutes_min minutes_median minutes_max minutes_mean
#> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 23 beats off 26 3.2 3.78 4.6 3.77
#> 2 and the same 375 0.62 4.43 8.57 4.48
#> 3 argument 66 0.57 4.7 6.58 4.73
#> 4 arpeggiator 154 0.8 3.83 5.32 3.85
#> 5 back to base 136 1.53 1.7 3.48 1.77
#> 6 bad mouth 279 0.25 2.48 5.6 2.56
#> 7 bed for the s… 299 1.42 2.98 5.03 3.03
#> 8 birthday pony 199 0.27 2.4 7.48 2.44
#> 9 blueprint 584 1.35 3.63 6 3.74
#> 10 break 172 0.87 2.07 6.48 2.14
#> # ℹ 84 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: minutes_sd <dbl>, minutes_total <dbl>