Fugazi Live Series data in long format with related discography data
Song data from the Fugazi discography pages on Wikipedia. The variables attributing lead vocals are simplifications in some cases where lead vocals were shared. The variables song_number, first_song and last_song were defined after data cleaning, so intros, outros, sound checks, interludes and one-offs are not included.
dataframe with one row for show and each song performed in all the Fugazi Live Series shows with data.
- gid
gig id. This is a concatenation of city, country, and date
- date
Show date
- year
- month
Month, as a number
- day
Day, as a number
- tracktype
0 = interlude, 1 = song, 2 = other music
- song_number
The number of the song in the sequence of songs that were performed as part of that show
- songid
numeric id for each song
- song
The name of the song
- number_songs
The number of songs that were performed as part of that show
- first_song
Identifies the first song of the set
- last_song
Identifies the last song of the set
- releaseid
numeric id in ascending chronological order
- release
name of album or EP
- track_number
The track number for the song on the release
- instrumental
Indicates whether or not the piece is an instrumental
- vocals_picciotto
indicates whether or not Guy Picciotto sang lead vocals on this track
- vocals_mackaye
indicates whether or not Ian Mackaye sang lead vocals on this track
- vocals_lally
indicates whether or not Joe Lally sang lead vocals on this track
- duration_seconds
The duration of the song in seconds
#> # A tibble: 23,279 × 20
#> gid date year month day tracktype song_number songid song
#> <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr>
#> 1 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 0 1 NA intro
#> 2 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 1 2 89 turn…
#> 3 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 1 3 12 bren…
#> 4 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 1 4 55 merc…
#> 5 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 1 5 76 siev…
#> 6 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 1 6 2 and …
#> 7 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 0 7 NA inte…
#> 8 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 1 8 13 bull…
#> 9 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 1 9 15 burn…
#> 10 aalst-belgiu… 1990-09-23 1990 9 23 0 10 NA inte…
#> # ℹ 23,269 more rows
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: number_songs <int>, first_song <dbl>, last_song <dbl>,
#> # releaseid <int>, release <chr>, track_number <int>, instrumental <int>,
#> # vocals_picciotto <int>, vocals_mackaye <int>, vocals_lally <int>,
#> # duration_seconds <int>